When asked "Do you want to run or save SAOImage DS9 7.2 Install.exe" click Run.
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7.1.1.Install: Windows | Mac | Unix | Installation Notes 6.2.2 The master images for calibration Masterbias. 6.1.2 The master images for calibration Masterbias. 6 Software testing and results 6.1 Focused images. 5.3 Fortran, IRAF and shell script programs: the components description 5.3.1 : calibration.csh. 5.2.1 Implementation of the reduction algorithm. 5.2 Reduction algorithm of astrophysical images. 5.1.5 Implementation of the pre-reduction algorithm. ĥ The RATS–ARP implementation 5.1 Pre-reduction algorithm of astrophysical images. Functional requirements for the pipeline. 4.3 Analysis and pipeline requirements definition. Ģ9 29 30 30 30 31 32 32 33 34 35 35 37 38 40 43 44 45 45 48 49Ĥ RATS–ARP: Automatic Reduction Pipeline for RATS 4.1 Photometric reduction background and introduction to the software development 4.1.1 Shell script programming. Required keywords Reserved keywords 3.5 World Coordinate Systems (WCS). 2.6 RATS hardware and software environment. The optical fiber feeding project. 2.2.2 The Copernico telescope and Echelle spectrograph The telescope. 2.2.1 The Schmidt telescope and the CCD cameras. 1.4 On the radii of the transiting planets. Inspection of the lightcurves transits part. Inspection of the lightcurves parts without transits. 1.1.4 Characteristics of the known exoplanets, derived from the RV surveys 1.1.5 Microlensing. Photometric Reduction and analysis softwareġ The physical context 1.1 The Exoplanets. Riccardo Claudi Dottoranda: Valentina Granata NUMERICAL ALGORITHMS FOR THE SEARCHING OF EXTRASOLAR PLANETS FROM PHOTOMETRIC DATA ALGORITMI NUMERICI PER LA RICERCA DEI PIANETI EXTRASOLARI DA DATI FOTOMETRICIĭirettore della Scuola: Ch.mo Prof. ` DEGLI STUDI DI PADOVA UNIVERSITA Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi e Attivit` a Spaziali (CISAS) ”G.Colombo” DOTTORATO DI RICERCA IN: SCIENZE TECNOLOGIE E MISURE SPAZIALI INDIRIZZO: ASTRONAUTICA E SCIENZE DA SATELLITE CICLO XX